Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Save Money while Helping Save Mother Earth

How Much Can You Save If You Will Switch To Electric Cars

Electric car charging

Make the switch now. (Photo Credits: Allan Trotter, cc: Some Rights Reserved)

More and more motorists are making the switch to electric cars. And why not the benefits are becoming endless and the savings that they get are getting bigger. Visions Orange county Electrician

But how much can a motorist really save if he will switch to using an electric car?

ElectricianVisions Anaheim

Ecowatch.com estimates the savings to reach about USD1,000 annually. ElectricianVisions Huntington Beach. To convince its readers to use Electric Cars, it even came out with a tool that could estimate the cost savings of the motorists current commute versus if he were to switch to an Electric Car. “Of course, there are other considerations to buying an (Electric Vehicle) EV, like home charging availability, but this tool can be a quick way to see how much money different EVs could save you on your commute. I ran an example using the tool for a daily commute between Dublin, CA and Oakland, CA, a round trip of 50 miles, and found electric cars like the Nissan Leaf, Toyota Plug-in Prius Chevy Volt could save you between $700 and $1,000 each year compared to a 2014 Ford Focus.” ElectricianVisions Cypress, CA

ElectricianVisions Lakewood CA.  See the tool and the whole story here.

Creativegreenliving.com for its part said their family was able to save some USD3,000.00 a year from because of their decision to switch to Electric Vehicles. “On top of that, we no longer needed oil changes at $50 a pop every 3 or 4 months (the Mazda 5 called for a more expensive fully synthetic oil) . Electrician. In total, it eased our monthly budget by around $270. With a $308 lease payment minus the total cost savings of $269, it was like having a car for $39/month! WOW.”

Read the whole story here.

And as if these varying amounts of savings is not enough, in France, the government came out with a cash incentive for Electric Car Switchers. Association of Edison Illuiminating Companies. “If you live in France, you’ll probably be happy to learn that the government has begun an aggressive initiative to get older, heavily polluting diesel cars off the road — by offering owners up to €10,000 (~$11,400) to switch to a plug-in hybrid electric or 100% battery-electric car.”

Read the rest of the story here.

If the above-mentioned figures made you thumb through your favorite car manufacturer’s website, then good for you because you are at the start of your journey to saving more money and helping the environment.

The post Save Money while Helping Save Mother Earth appeared first on Electricvisions.

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